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If you’ve ever thought about doing something about your drinking but been held back by fear or anything else, this book is for you. This is Todd’s road to sobriety.

“This book is so real, so relatable, so many stories that hit home for me. It’s eye-opening, honest and inspirational. I think I needed this personal account and to see the light at the end. I WANT what Todd now has. Amazing book, I couldn’t put it down.”

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Sobriety Autobiography

“Then, little by little, more moments started happening. This sobriety thing kept showing itself to me, in big ways and in small. With each moment, it became harder and harder to run from this new truth I was discovering: life was better sober. “

About The Book

Todd was a classic gray area drinker who looked like he had it all together on the outside. But on the inside, he was tormented by his relationship with alcohol. He loved drinking and being the life of the party, yet there was so much about drinking he didn’t like: the control it had on him, how it consumed his every thought and how he felt after drinking too much.

He spent six years evaluating his relationship with alcohol and employing every moderation hack in the book. Some of them worked, but it was exhausting and the victories were always short-lived.

By 2019, Todd was growing tired of fighting his internal battle. He was worn down by the constant negotiating and obsessing, and he was sick of the torment, shame and regret. Then in the fall of that year, his wife whispered something into his ear that would end up changing his life forever. He decided to quit drinking.

Giving up alcohol was scary and overwhelming. Even though Todd knew it was the right decision, he also thought life without alcohol would be a little dull and boring, a bit like a prison sentence for not being able to “drink like a normal person.”  

What he discovered, however, was that giving it up was the farthest thing from a prison sentence.  “I Didn’t Believe it Either” is the raw, honest, vulnerable and sometimes funny story of Todd’s journey to quitting the one thing he thought he couldn’t live without and his discovery that sobriety is better than he ever imagined.

Product Details

Size: 6 inches by 9 inches
Weight: 0.2 lbs (JP Paper)
Pages: 190 +covers

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